Thursday, March 20, 2014

What I Did: Back from "Sick Leave"

This was my third cold this pregnancy but praise the Lord it lasted just less than a week this time! So I eased into it today with some light core/stretching and a "daily" workout from  Neila Rey. I was tempted to just do some dance videos cause their fun and a good sweat but I've been noticing I am really needing to work on my muscle strength (which often requires more mental effort on my part). So I did like nike and just did it.

Warm up: About 10 minutes of my Mutu program of core and stretching

Workout: I did level II of 5 sets of 10. Though I did the first set of push ups for 10 in full the rest I did on my knees for 12 reps. Also I switched up the cross crunches for standing band twists and the leg raises for 30 seconds of plank.
Total Time: 20:31
HR: 140-150
Sweat'o'Metre: not really so much of a glisten this time. took it easy.
Burn'o'Metre: upper body strength has really disintegrated during pregnancy so the upper body ones were a bit of a burn for me.
Aaaand this is me planking at 8 months pregnant haha!
the stamina isn't what it once was but I'm still pretty pumped
that I can still do a plank!

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