Friday, August 9, 2013

What I Did: Weights Day Should Always Be This Sweaty!

I love weight day :) I'm just saying. I don't lift very heavy any more, I like to turn it into a high intensity weights/CV circuit (though I know you can lift heavy and still have it high intensity) it's hard to do on a total gym ;) Anyhow I haven't posted in a while, I've been working out just not blogging it as they haven't been too "awesome". Anyhow here's today's workout. It was sweet. Or should I say sweat?

Warm up (my favorite part now) Boogie Down sistah (and brothah's!) for about 5 minutes of improve dancing and getting your groove on. And I'm talkin' high kicks, salsa, b-girl'in, hip hop, swing and any style you wanna incorporate! I had so much fun being a geek, dancing by myself in my living room!

WORKOUT: Total Gym 
3x 15 of: Seated Row & Lat "pull up", 3 rest breaks: i&iii Plank Climb 40 sec, ii. Mountain Climber 40 sec
3x15 of: Pull over and crunch & Upright Row; 3 rest breaks: i&iii V sit 30 sec, ii. Burpees 30 sec
3x15 of: Squat and swing with 30lb & Hamstring Curl with towel on floor; 3 rest breaks: i&iii Oblique twist 40 sec, ii. Ski hops 40 sec
2x15 (bc both are tricep isolation anyways) Skull crushers & Kneeling Tricep kick backs: 3 breaks (did both ex. back to back first round, then split them up for round 2) i&iii Spider Plank 40 sec, ii. Jumping Jacks 40 sec

Total Time: 40min 15 sec
HR: 170-180
Sweat'o'Metre: shiny-slimy-awesomeness, definitely gotta wipe down the equipment for this one!
Burn'o'Metre: near the end of each set I was feeling the push. Love it.

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