Friday, February 21, 2014

What I Did: Getting My Butt in Gear

I really liked today's workout by Neila Rey. Since my squatting habits have been on the decline since being pregnant my butt has also begun to decline to the I enjoyed this mostly lower body workout that was also a good sweat surprisingly!

Warm up: This warm up video by RefitRev (a new one for me, nice and easy!)
Workout: I did level I 1/2 (aka 4 sets)
I did 20 on each leg for #1, 20 total lunges for #3, 20 total leg raises for #4, 20 on each leg for #5 and 20 on each leg for #6. I guess her workouts leave something up for interpretation depending on your fitness level :)
Total Time: warm up 5:44 + workout 23:44 + stretches 7:20 = 36:08 minutes total
HR: 150-160
Sweat'o'Metre: Dripping onto the mat! I was surprised since it was fairly low impact
Burn'oMetre: felt it in the shoulders in the last couple sets and exercises, also felt the hips and butt burning a little bit too. love it!
Would totally have a good sweaty pic today but my battery died and it's just not going to be an accurate photo by the time it charges. So just think sweaty, red faced with frizzed up bangs! :P

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