Tuesday, February 25, 2014

What I Did: Preggers Butt Toning

In hind sight I probably shouldn't have done this workout today s low impact as it is my back was a little sore from yesterday (and butt since those two go hand in hand) but I figured what the heck (and a lingering image of my pregnant butt in the back of my head haunting me slightly).

Warm up: I did Tiffany Rothe's pregnancy warm up here
Workout: And twice through this "ballet butt" workout

Total Time: 32:56
HR: 150 after warm up, around 130-140 for the workout
Sweat'o'Metre: though my HR was low I was still starting to sweat at the end of the first round of the workout
Burn'o'Metre: oh the quads with that "push it back now hold" part...if you've done the video you know what I'm talking about. Also since I'm not only getting heavier but my muscles are getting weaker those tricep dips were actually hard for me too. Baby we're gonna have a long road back after birth! :)
got some new mats for working out...and more for doing
dishes in the kitchen. Yay no sore back!

Monday, February 24, 2014

What I Did: Eat Dessert...Work Out

This one is appropriately (?) called Bring Me Some Pie. Yesterday was my mom's birthday and both my sister and brother's girlfriend are baking genius's and made donuts and cupcakes (of course after a dinner out at a fab restaurant). Needless to say this morning I still felt stuffed. Here's what I did;

Warm up: On Neila Rey's website she has a little blurb about warming up you can find it here and make your own call. I personally like to warm up with dynamic stretches or a little light cardio so my muscles feel less stiff when doing explosive or stretching type movements. I did a version of her warm up only about 2:30 min or so going through a few movements 3 times.

Workout: I did level II! For the pushup to lunge I just separated the two into 8 push ups and 8 lunges as I can't do those type of movements anymore with this baby belly of mine.

Total Time: 2:30 warm up + 20 min workout + RefitRev's cool down video This Little Light of Mine 3:40 = 26 min 10 sec workout
HR: 150-160 consistently
Sweat'o'Metre: yep sweating! No dripping on the carpet though thankfully but it's certainly warm in here now!
Burn'o'Metre: I was feeling it in the squats by set 5 (though I did squat jacks for the last set bc my "round ligament" was acting up a bit...it's a preggo thing.
crappy photo, I was too lazy to attach the flash today.

Friday, February 21, 2014

What I Did: Getting My Butt in Gear

I really liked today's workout by Neila Rey. Since my squatting habits have been on the decline since being pregnant my butt has also begun to decline to the floor...so I enjoyed this mostly lower body workout that was also a good sweat surprisingly!

Warm up: This warm up video by RefitRev (a new one for me, nice and easy!)
Workout: I did level I 1/2 (aka 4 sets)
I did 20 on each leg for #1, 20 total lunges for #3, 20 total leg raises for #4, 20 on each leg for #5 and 20 on each leg for #6. I guess her workouts leave something up for interpretation depending on your fitness level :)
Total Time: warm up 5:44 + workout 23:44 + stretches 7:20 = 36:08 minutes total
HR: 150-160
Sweat'o'Metre: Dripping onto the mat! I was surprised since it was fairly low impact
Burn'oMetre: felt it in the shoulders in the last couple sets and exercises, also felt the hips and butt burning a little bit too. love it!
Would totally have a good sweaty pic today but my battery died and it's just not going to be an accurate photo by the time it charges. So just think sweaty, red faced with frizzed up bangs! :P

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What I Did: Accepting I Am Pregnant

So I'm realizing with each workout that I need to take breaks, I have gotten weaker (my bum is shrinking) and I just can't push myself as much. BUT I am totally okay with it. Now is not the time for me to be making records or even being able to maintain my same fitness level before I was pregnant. However I am healthy, I've been gaining weight slowly and keeping active. So when my biceps are burning from only 1.5lbs of weight and I've got sweat coming down my face from jogging on the spot I'm okay with that. Here's what I did:

Warm up: Tiffany Rothe's warm up/cardio video
Workout: 2x Through her toning for upper body workout video

Total Time: 32 minutes including the warm up (which actually had my heart rate higher than the workout)
HR: warm up was around 150 workout was closer to 130-140
Sweat'o'Metre: even with a fan I've got face sweat and had to wipe my brow and bangs away more than once!
Burn'o'Metre: This one always kills my shoulders and biceps. Such a burn!
Using PB as my hand weights, though to be honest it's only
half full, so it's about 1.5lbs not 1kg. Sam with the other weight
...which was a jar of honey. Haha!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

What I Did: Total Gym & Core

I've noticed a significant decrease in my muscle tone and strength...time to hit the weights again!
Warm up:
Did the first couple sets easy to warm up

Workout: 2 sets of 12-15 (mostly 15) with or without a core exercise as follows
Seated row & kneeling (with opposite leg extension) lat pull with bands and 30 second plank
Overhead pullover & Seated high row with 15 kneeling roll outs
Hamstring curls with bands & Body weight squats (rest 15 sec)
Lunges & Calf raises (rest 15 sec)
Skull crushers & kneeling tricep kickbacks with 10 low to high band twist each side
Surfer cable pulls

Total Time: 30 min pretty much exactly
HR: 140-150
Sweat'o'Metre: not too sweaty, just moist
Burn'o'Metre: yeah like everywhere I feel super weak but better for doing it.

No photo today.

Friday, February 14, 2014

What I Did: Dancing Donuts

I had a stereotypical pregnant woman binge last night (and today) on donuts. Like I'm not gonna even say how many I had. Yes I enjoyed it, and yes I felt physically like crap last night and today. Will I do that again? Umm...not for a loooong time, like I will have to forget how bad I felt. Anyhow they were still scrumptious but a little (ahem A LOT) more moderation next time shall we?

I did the ReFitRev's workout 1 from their youtube channel page again. Better for choreography this time (some what) though I had to take a few minutes break around 22 minutes, was feeling a little tired.

Warm up and Cool down included in the video (though you may want to do a bit of a lighter warm up first their first two videos are not really easy/slow paced).
Workout: dance dance dance! Here's the link to their channel page.

Total Time: 44 minutes (with pauses every now and then when commercials popped up)
HR: 150-160
Sweat'o'Metre: yep had to go get the fan half way through
Burn'o'Metre: had to take the intensity and impact down a bit in the last half, so yeah you could say I was feeling it.
7 Months pregnant today!
Happy Valentines day everyone!

Monday, February 10, 2014

What I Did: Dance Party II

I have been looking forward to trying out another Refitrev dance playlist for a few days now. I missed my Saturday workout :( so I got up early for today's. I didn't quite finish it, stopped after "One Girl" because I was getting a bit too hot and sweaty (normally it'd be a sign to keep going but not so much being almost 7 months preggers). So I'm not sure what the whole playlist adds up to but you can see my time below.

Warm up was the first video or two (I did the first one twice because I forgot to start my watch hehe).
Workout: I did Workout #7 on Refitrev's youtube channel page found here.
Here was a fun video out of that bunch that is bound to make you laugh as you dance!

Total Time: I missed the last few videos but my time was 36:33
HR: 150-160
Sweat'o'Metre: oh yeah was sweating so much I had to open the window in my basement on a -16 degree morning!
Burn'o'Metre: heart burn, the beating kind not the acidic kind haha! And for some of the squatting ones I could feel it in my bum :)
I think I will stick to this one and the workout #1 for a couple more rounds before I move on. It's good to stretch your brain learning new steps but also good to work at it until you get it and can really bust a move during your workouts!
Here's my tomato face:

Thursday, February 6, 2014

What I Did: Lots and lots of dancing!!!

This was one of the most fun workouts I've done in a while! So much fun...and sweat!
Warm up: The first video was kinda warm upish I did it twice.

Workout: It's a playlist by ReFitRev (called ReFit Workout 1 on their channel if you're searching it since I can't post a playlist) but here's the 2nd video in the playlist that really got my heart pumping!
Total time: I'm not going to go through each video for time so I'm gonna estimate approx 36-40 min
HR: Depends on the video range was 150-170
Sweat'o'Metre: ya baby check out my sweaty hair I'm lovin it!
Burn'o'Metre: the lungs for the jumping fast ones and the legs for some of those toning ones at the end!
Two photos one for the sweaty face and one for my 6 month and 3 week belly!

Monday, February 3, 2014

What I Did: Total Gym and "Toning"

Today was the day of sleep. Gosh I slept in SO late then I felt groggy so I had a nap a few hours later (which actually felt better). We had a buuuuusy weekend so maybe my body needed it. Regardless I still managed a workout into this lazy Monday.
Warm up: A new video! Was easy enough to watch and do the first time through.
Workout: Total Gym 2 sets of 12-15 each paired with the following exercise;
Pike Push ups & Chest flyes with 20 squats
Seated chest press & Anterior Shoulder raise with 15 lunges each leg
Lateral shoulder raise & Rear deltoid flyes with 30 seconds climbing plank
Seated bicep curls & Laying bicep curls with 20 sumo squats and a 10lb plate

Cool down: Back to Refitrev and This Little Light of Mine...love it, so calming
Total Time: 4 min warm up + 21 min workout + 3:40 cool down = 28:40 minutes
HR: 140-150
Sweat'o'Metre: actually yes, I didn't take breaks really so it was good and steady the whole way through
Burn'o'Metre: those double biceps at the end. Killer. And shoulders. I was gonna do the plank after shoulders and had to switch up the lunges.