HR: 160
Sweat'o'Metre: oh yes. the face. behind the knees. down the neck. etc etc.
Burn'o'Metre: decent. I would add more reps for the amount of time given in the 2nd video though.
I felt so matchy today... |
My workouts. Posted in all sweaty glory for the world to see. Prepare to Be(an) Butt Kicked.
I felt so matchy today... |
Had to crop it length ways to get all the crap in my living room out of the shot :P |
took this immediately after my HR, it doesn't do justice to the amount of sweat pouring off my face. It was in my eyes during the last 2 4 minute rounds!!! |
my stainless steel cool water bottle. i like it. can't wait for when it's actually really hot, then i'll loooove it. |
We don't workout together a lot. He likes sports, I like fitness. So when he works out with me he is really loving me even if it hurts him :) What a good sport! |
this is me warning you it's a doozy! |
this is me trying to smile but feeling cranky. don't step on the scale before a workout, kinda puts a damper on things. boo hoo. |
I won't lie, I initially tried my foot on the top of the chair but I couldn't get my face close enough for the photo bah hah, so not flexible. |
YAY sweaty BFF photo opp! |
rawr |
I didn't want to use "effects" in editing to keep it real but this way you can see my laptop says "workout complete". Also check that glisten out on my face and collar bone! Keep it sweaty! |
I am pointing out my sweat streaks |
Yes I know, I have the worlds UGLIEST couch. Didn't mean to include that in the photo... |