Today's workout was all lower body and I'm glad it was. Had a bit of a tumble biking and my back is all in knots now :( Here's what we did;
Warm up: 2 laps around jr soccer field jogging, 30 seconds butt kickers, 30 seconds high knees, front to back leg swings
1-10-10-1 Jump Squats (do one rep, rest 1 sec, do 2 reps, rest 2 sec etc)
4:13(I did time it but then I cleared it, I think this was the time)
8x30m resistance band sprints with partner
Total Time: warm up approx 5min + workout = 21:46
HR: 140 for the jump squats 180 for the sprints
Sweat'o'Metre: I was eating salt! It poured rain but I knew I was sweating by the taste...yum yum
Burn'o'Metre: the jump squats were tough at the high end, the sprints not so much though I think I had too much rest.
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